Interscholastic Sports
About Interscholastic Athletics
Interscholastic athletics are available to seventh and eighth graders. Games are played against other middle schools, predominantly in Hunterdon County.
Interscholastic athletics are open to students in grades 7 and 8 unless otherwise noted. Cuts may be made. No cuts are made in cross country or unified sports. Some sports may divide team members into A and B teams in order to give more opportunities to developing players. Not all opponents have A and B teams, therefore, game time may be limited for B level players.
NEW: Please visit our site for the Woodglen School Athletics Calendars.
Available Sports
Fall Sports
Cross Country (grades 5-8) - Coach Santiago
Field Hockey (grades 6-8) - Coach Will / Coach Novakowski
Soccer - Coach Andrade
Unified Soccer - Coach Miller
Winter Sports
Boys Basketball - Coach Kirkpatrick
Girls Basketball - Coach Montferrat