Board of Education
Your School Board
Boards of Education were created by the State Legislature and charged with providing schools for the children of their districts. The nine members of the Board of Education live in Lebanon Township and have been elected by you. It is strictly a volunteer position and they receive no salary or other remuneration for their work. Each Board member serves a three-year term of office with three of the members’ terms expiring each year. There is no limit to the number of terms to which a Board member may be elected.
The Board of Education sets the policies by which the School District operates and they hire a Superintendent to carry out these policies and run the day-to-day operations of the District.
Again, remember that your Board of Education members are local residents who are serving the community and devoting many unpaid hours of their time to your school system. Board members do not have any authority as individuals and can act on school matters only at a regular scheduled and advertised meeting of the Board of Education.