Lebanon wildcat logo - white wildcat face.

Public School Choice Program

Public School Choice

The Lebanon Township School District participates in the public school choice program.  This program provides the opportunity for non-resident students to attend Lebanon Township Schools, Woodglen and Valley View,  at no cost to the family. Transportation to our district is provided through the resident district in the form of either busing or aid-en-lieu. The School Choice program covers grades Kindergarten through grade 8.

For more information on the School Choice program, please click on the link below for state guidelines:


Forms needed to apply for choice are listed below.  Please return all forms to Donna Sabol at Woodglen School or email dsabol@lebtwpk8.org for any additional questions or needs.

Applying to the School Choice Program

On this page you will find all of the resources needed to apply for the Interdistrict Public School choice program.  Please take a look at the remainder of our website for information about our schools and our programs.

For Important information about timelines please click on the link below:
